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This is a great place to tell your story and give people more insight into who you are, what you do, and why it’s all about you.

Workplace Prevention

and Health Promotion

Anchor 1

Workplace Injury Prevention & Health Promotion

Work is at the heart of who we are.

Work is at the heart of who we are. It not only “pays the bills” and “puts food on the table”, but for most, it represents a place we spend a good portion of our lives, a group of people that become our modern “tribes” and ultimately a foundational leg of our journey in the legacy we leave to those that come after us. Our ability to accomplish meaningful work hinges on our health. From stress to pain to disease and from the personal impact to the bankrupting effect on the bottom line, if we are not able to fully engage at work, everyone that depends on it suffers. Employee health therefore represents one of the single greatest threats AND opportunities that businesses have for achievement.


Pro-Activity’s Prevention Services Group has been partnering with employers & labor groups to implement workplace systems and health-facing solutions since 1999. Our award winning team and the process they have developed not only restores the personal freedom that comes with health, but recaptures a significant portion of the growing but largely preventable loss that employees and employers are spending each year.

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The health of your employees is an asset to be managed. Healthier teams are higher performing teams. Invest in this asset, and the benefits will come full circle. 

Anchor 2

Movement & Fitness

Move well, move enough…

When the body moves well, enough, and with purpose achievement is not merely a goal but an expected outcome.  Pro-Activity's Movement & Fitness Services leverages the unique skill sets of certified coaches, licensed physiotherapists, and medical professionals committed to evidence-based methods and programming to guide you in your pursuit. 


Our Performance Training programs place specific emphasis on developing today’s competitors into tomorrow’s champions, as our team analyzes the biomechanics of each sport and the physiological response to training, while developing strength, fitness, speed and agility routines that focus on the sport-specific requirements of each athlete, to ensure optimal results.


Lifestyle programs work to continually develop the healthy skills and habits of those individuals striving for excellence in their lives. Our team takes into account the unique strengths and areas for improvement of each client, regardless of age, and administers plans most conducive to personal achievement.  

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Move well, move enough.

Anchor 3

Health & Performance Coaching

Our team of experts, in your corner.

Lifestyle is often the first line of defense recommended by healthcare practitioners and backed by current evidence. However, often there is a disconnect between knowing where to start and knowing how to begin.  Pro-Activity's Coaching Services provides a unique option for those who are truly ready for healthy action, but seek professional guidance in taking the most appropriate steps. From endurance and conditioning, strength, fitness, nutrition, and weight loss, we are pleased to offer prospective clients coaching in person or remotely, on-line from anywhere in the world.

Inquire about Coaching Services

Our team of professionals, in your corner

Anchor 4

Physical Therapy Services

This is so much more than therapy…

At Pro-Activity we understand that the body, like all machines, requires maintenance and care. Many times this can be done with a healthy lifestyle, which includes exercise. But...there are times when the system breaks down — and requires the skills of a professional to facilitate repair and recovery in a fast, efficient and cost-effective manner.The truth is YOU ARE AN ATHLETE and life as we know it depends on our ability to balance our body's "movement" system, ensuring proper recovery strategies are in place, for optimal function. Pro-Activity employs a service oriented physical rehabilitation approach, levering nearly 50 years of combined therapy experience to provide you and your loved ones with the most cutting edge therapies available, as held by today’s research standards.

So much more than therapy...

Health & Fitness Event Management

Bringing health to life…

We are proud to administer and support a wide variety of health and fitness events, including everything from community and corporate health challenges, 5k race events, half marathons, fitness athlete competitions, and school based health initiatives. Check out a few community events powered by Pro-Activity below!



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